Jan. 12, 2021

Annual Business Inspection Report 2020

In 2020, 26 regulatory bodies conducted 52 320 inspections of the activities of business entities, of which 1, 754 inspections (3.3%) were carried out in agreement with the authorized body (Business Ombudsman), while the remaining 50, 566 (96.7%) were carried out with its notification

The Business Ombudsman received 3,915 applications for inspections from 18 regulatory authorities, of which 2,161 (55.2%) applications were rejected.

In 2020, it was revealed that 28 regulatory authorities conducted 3, 162 illegal inspections, 13 regulatory bodies conducted 13, 310 inspections with violations of the procedure for conducting inspections. According to the revealed offenses, the courts imposed a penalty in the form of a fine in relation to 328 employees of regulatory bodies, labor contracts with 5 employees were terminated, 150 people were brought to disciplinary responsibility, and 33 were warned.

In order to ensure the practice of unified law enforcement in the implementation of state control in the activities of business entities, 120 training seminars were organized with the participation of 6, 777 officials from 30 regulatory bodies.

In addition, 4, 164 employees of the regulatory authorities passed certification in order to assess the level of qualifications and professionalism of officials conducting inspections of the activities of entrepreneurs.

Kasimov Dilmurod Sultanmuratovich


In the conditions of complex economic transformations, if obstacles and restrictions in the activities of entrepreneurs are removed, we will provide them with real assistance

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