🔹 16-21 сентябрь кунлари Бизнес-омбудсман фаолиятида ва тадбиркорлар ҳаётида рўй берган асосий воқеалар дайжести
🔵 Бизнес-омбудсман судда хусусий институт манфаатини ҳимоя қилди
🔵 Мутасадди ташкилотларнинг 10 нафар мансабдор шахси жавобгарликка тортилди
🔵 Бухорода тўсиқларга учраётган тадбиркорга фаолиятини йўлга қўйиш учун ёрдам берилди
🔵 Майдаланган тош ҳақи тўлаб берилди
🔵 Бизнес-омбудсман тадбиркор манфаатини судда ҳимоя қилди
Appeals to Business ombudsman
Headquarter: 73 A Nukus street, 100015 Tashkent city Landmark: The building located behind the building of the Liberal Democratic Party of Uzbekistan . Telephone number: (71) 202 08 98 (134)
The next meeting of the public council was held - PHOTO REPORT
Employees of the Office of the Business Ombudsman took an active part in nationwide charity "khashar"
Press-conference on the topic "Direct dialogue with business as the most effective tool for improving the business climate"
Press-conference on the topic "Direct dialogue with business as the most effective tool for improving the business climate"