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Information system "Unified State Control"

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"The rights of an entrepreneur are under the protection of the state!"
  • The website is in test mode: Сайт синов режимида ишламоқда: Сайт работает в тестовом режиме
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From the diary of the Business Ombudsman’s press-center

🔹 16-21 сентябрь кунлари Бизнес-омбудсман фаолиятида ва тадбиркорлар ҳаётида рўй берган асосий воқеалар дайжести
🔵 Бизнес-омбудсман судда хусусий институт манфаатини ҳимоя қилди
🔵 Мутасадди ташкилотларнинг 10 нафар мансабдор шахси жавобгарликка тортилди
🔵 Бухорода тўсиқларга учраётган тадбиркорга фаолиятини йўлга қўйиш учун ёрдам берилди
🔵 Майдаланган тош ҳақи тўлаб берилди
🔵 Бизнес-омбудсман тадбиркор манфаатини судда ҳимоя қилди

The Commissioner for Protection of Rights and Legitimate Interests of Entrepreneurs under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Appeals to Business ombudsman

Received appeals
Were examined
Under examination

Headquarter: 73 A Nukus street, 100015 Tashkent city Landmark: The building located behind the building of the Liberal Democratic Party of Uzbekistan . Telephone number: (71) 202 08 98 (134)

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