Dec. 24, 2022

Key values in the activities of the Business Ombudsman

Legality - strict observance of the requirements of regulatory legal acts in the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of business entities;

Fairness - a fair approach to any issue that arises in the course of activities;

Integrity - to avoid corruption situations in the implementation of activities, to ensure impartiality in resolving all issues;

Professionalism - systematic, professional and effective organization of professional activities in consideration, analysis, and study of appeals;

Initiative - promotion of new ideas, initiatives and scientific, innovative proposals in the interests of entrepreneurs, as well as to improve the business environment;

Responsibility - take a serious approach to each assigned task based on job responsibilities, thus achieving efficiency;

Teamwork - to work for a common goal with the staff of the Commissioner's office, to avoid group action;

Mutual respect - ensuring mutual understanding between the staff of the Office of the Commissioner in the organization of activities, a sense of personal responsibility for the reputation and goals of the team.

Kasimov Dilmurod Sultanmuratovich


An important aspect of the current reforms is not to find the shortcomings of entrepreneurs and punish them, but to teach them how to properly organize their work

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