The Business Ombudsman studied the appeal of head of Soft trade LLC, operating in the Karshi district of the Kashkadarya region.
As it was established, after the value of the property, assessed by an independent appraisal company, was accepted for accounting by the Karshi district branch of the State Cadastral Chamber, the Company sent a repeated report on the reduction in the amount of property tax calculated for 2022-2023.
As a result, the Company incurred an overpaid tax payment in the amount of 116.2 million soums for property tax.
Also, the LLC’s repeated requests to the regional tax office for a refund of the existing overpayment were ignored.
In connection with this appeal, employees of the Kashkadarya regional sector of the Commissioner for the Protection of Rights and Legitimate Interests of Business Entities sent a request to the regional tax inspectorate with a legal requirement for the return of excess funds.
At the request of the Commissioner’s employees, the regional tax department made a conclusion that the legal entity had an excess amount of property tax (code 44) and submitted it to the regional treasury department, as well as the overpaid tax amount in the amount of 116.2 million soums. for property tax was returned to the entrepreneur’s bank account number.
Leading Inspector of the Office of the Business Ombudsman
Muhammadali Ismailov