Some entrepreneurs will be allowed to sell their products to government customers on the basis of direct contracts.
On November 15 of this year, a resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On additional measures for the widespread involvement of the population in small and medium-sized businesses” was adopted.
According to the resolution:
The following priority areas for broad involvement of the population in small and medium-sized businesses are identified:
introducing a system of financial and advisory support for business initiatives of the population and business entities through their training, as well as creating the conditions necessary to expand their activities based on the chain “family entrepreneur - microbusiness - small business - medium business”;
support for small and medium-sized business projects on the basis of a unified financial system, consisting of JSCB Business Development Bank, JSC Entrepreneurship Development Company and other commercial partner banks, within the framework of government programs;
implementation of entrepreneurship training, financing of small and medium-sized business projects and continuous support at all stages of business processes at the Small Business Assistance Center LLC and Entrepreneurship Development Company JSC, as well as on electronic platforms in the direction of entrepreneurship of authorized bodies and commercial banks ( hereinafter referred to as electronic platforms).
In the period from January 1, 2024 to January 1, 2026, small businesses created on the basis of cooperation with large enterprises with state participation are allowed to sell goods (products) produced by them with a total value of up to 10 billion soums during one financial year to government customers on a special basis. information portal of public procurement based on direct contracts