The Business Ombudsman examined the appeal of the head of Hovos Trade LLC, S. Olimova (name changed), with a request to provide practical assistance in lifting the ban imposed by the Executive Bureau on a building owned by the company.
As it was found out, based on the results of the online auction, the building “Tea House of Fathers and Veterans”, located in the Karakum mahalla of the Khavas district in December 2022, concluded contract of sale.
In connection with the fulfillment of the terms of the agreement, the Syrdarya Regional Department for State Asset Management transferred this object to S. Olimova on the basis of a State order confirming ownership “with the right to use” in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 02/19/2019 No. UP-5666.
However, during the preparation of a cadastral document in order to place the object on the balance sheet of the LLC, it became known that a ban had been issued against this object due to the existing debt of the Khavas district khokimiyat.
As a result, the entrepreneur could not fully own the property she purchased for six months.
According to the letter of request of the Business Ombudsman sent to the Syrdarya regional department of the Bureau of Compulsory Enforcement, the ban on the “Chaikhana of Fathers and Veterans” facility was lifted and the obstacles to starting a business were removed.
Currently, this building has been accepted by the entrepreneur for the balance of the company, the production of bread and bakery products, trade in household goods has been established, and 3 jobs have been created.