Jan. 17, 2020

Entrepreneur was allocated land as a compensation

An entrepreneur of the Namangan region N. Abdukholikov appealed to the Business Ombudsman, with a complaint on non-allocation of a land as compensation for the withdrawal of his land for state and public needs.

It was established that in 2012 the land plot on which the entrepreneur’s public catering was located, was withdrawn for state and public needs. However, instead of seized 165.0 sq.m. of land, the entrepreneur was provided with the compensation of 30.0 sq.m. land plot.

In accordance with the Regulation “On the procedure for compensation of losses to citizens and legal entities in connection with the seizure of land for state and public needs” approved by Cabinet of Ministers on May 29, 2006 No. 97, it is established that in case of seizure of the land on which there are residential, industrial, other buildings, constructions, plantings, equivalent property is provided and the losses incurred caused by the seizure of land for state or public are fully compensated.

On the basis of the submission made by the Business Ombudsman to the khokimiyat of the Namangan region on eliminating identified violations of the law on the observance of the rights and legitimate interests of the business entities, the reasons and conditions that contribute to it, the entrepreneur N. Abdukhalikov was provided a land plot of 300.0 sq. M by the khokimiyat of the Naryn region.

Kasimov Dilmurod Sultanmuratovich


An important aspect of the current reforms is not to find the shortcomings of entrepreneurs and punish them, but to teach them how to properly organize their work

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